Monthly Archives September 2019

Lest I Forget

Lest I forget. I have polished brasses, bulled boots, cleaned, swept and painted until my arms ache.
Endured Captains Rounds, Admiral Rounds, Thursday War, slept not slept.
Turn To, Action Stations, Duty Watch, Dog Watch, Middle & Morning Watch
Sailed the seven seas and back again, fought in every port. I speak fluent jackspeak, dhobey, uckers, dig in, dig out.
I have braved gales and storms, fair winds and fair seas, sundowner’s, deck hockey and PT beasting’s.☠️
Store ship, RAS’d and mess parties, laughed and cried.
Saluted more scrambled egg than I can remember, fought for my country, my ship, my mates.

For I Am A Royal Navy Veteran