The memory book of the 20yrs of
is about to go into print those wishing to obtain a copy please contact
Linda Anderson or Charlie Greensmith to book your copy.
This is not a French ship but one like it was at Trafalgar. You can have a shot to help it sink the French again
on the 21st Oct by joining the fun out Samford way.
Contact Alan Bibby or Charlie Greensmith for details.
The Royal Navy Assoc. Qld. Branch
is Putting it on it should be a good day out.
Crossed the Bar.
It with great regret I have to inform you.
That Betty, wife of one of our staunch Hervey Bay members the Late Ron Glaister has crossed the bar and joined Ron in Safe harbour.
Our condolences go to their son John and Family
Both Betty and John were proud to be part of the Ganges Family
It is planned at the moment to be no cost to financial members, the rest to be determined when it is finished at the end of September.
expressions of interest please contact
Scotty,Charlie or Linda.
hello after a while
HMS GANGES Victorian Division Newsletter (Masthead 236)
Victoria Australia
Chairman: David Lines. Secretary: Harry Harrison 54, Tamworth Road, Kilsyth, Vic 3137
Telephone Harry 03-9728-3200 mob. +61418809712
Chairman David Lines. Stood down from chairing the meeting, due to a medical adversity. Secretary HarryH Opened the meeting and Welcomed all. David was wished a speedy recovery.
Birthdays Joan Kime, Harry Kime and Harry Thacker Happy Birthday to all.
Apologies Winifred Harrison, Owen and Carmel Dingle, Harry Thacker, Charles Jenkinson, Sally Briscoe, John and Maureen Hannant,
Sick List. John Hillman, John has been in hospital and was gravely ill, but has once again rallied and it was really good to see him at the meeting almost hale and hearty again. All our very best John.
Since the meeting in a telephone conversation with Derek Ernst he informed me that he is now in Palliative care at home. The chemotherapy is no longer effective. He plans to step down as President of the South Australian Division. Derek has worked tirelessly for the SA division ably supported by his good wife Judy, who also has medical problems. The Victorian Division wishes Judy Derek and family our very best wishes for the difficult coming days.
Treasurers Report The Divisional general account stands at $3,897.48. With one un-cashed cheque of $200 for TS Tingara. Chairman David explained that due to circumstances the cheque has not been handed over to date. Available monies $3,697.48
Correspondence Bank Statements. The Buzz from Guzz. South African Division Masthead. All commented on the professional presentation of the news letter.
UK Association All quiet on the Northern Front. From press reports all are enjoying a warm summer, hottest for a number of years. Enjoy shipmates.
General Business 1) The October get together. Chairman David has paid a deposit on16 rooms at Cadell on the Murray Resort Moama. David has paid it personally, so please pay $50 deposit to David at the venue. Secretary has organised bus trips a full day tour oh Tuesday 2nd. October to place of interest with lunch at Morison’s winery inclusive cost $93pp. Also a half day tour of local scenic attractions including the Great Aussie Beer Shed Folk Museum. Cost $73pp A full itinerary of both tours will be promulgated. The tours are orgsnised by Ross and Jill Young of Echuca Maoma Bus Tours. Treasurer asked approval from meeting for $200 be transferred from Divisional funds to the operators as a deposit. Approval was given. Contact details are in the letterhead. A program of all activities is being formulated and will be circulated at the next meeting.
AOB 1) Mike Bennett Chairman RNA: – Said the June birthday lunch was a success and enjoyed by all. The July lunch will have a Mamma Mia Italian theme and the lunch an Italian cuisine flavour. Cost id $10 and this month for $2 you can purchase a thermal soup mug with heater to have a hot Minestrone soup. August lunch will be the Bah Humbug it Ain’t Christmas lunch will be. With the menu lamb and ham Christmas pudding and Champagne and Brandy Christmas cake. $10 for members.
Mike went into great detail of how he and his wife Sue have been hacked resulting in considerable stress. They now only have a mobile and no landline. Mike has had a message service set up for RNA bookings it is purely a message service, if people wish a reply please leave their number. The number is 5931647.
Mike stressed the importance of being aware of scam if you do not recognize the number delete the same for emails. Members should remember that government agencies and banks do not cold call requesting details. Hang up and call your local bank or the government agency to verify bona fides.
Harry Kime President of the FNMC gave a run down on the successful sausage sizzle held at Bunnings Frankston it realised about $2,000 for FNMC funds. He thanked all those volunteers who worked hard to ensure the success of the day.
The FNMC annual dinner will be held at the FNMC on Saturday the 25th.August at 1900hrs. Cost $40 for members and $50 for guests cost includes a bottle of white and red wine per table. It is a formal dinner to celebrate 27 years of the FNMC.
David Lines requested that the screen used at RNA lunches be moved back to enable the end tables to see the screen without having to move tables. Harry said he will investigate.
Harry also explained that funding has been provided to build a proper archive storage facility. For a fee associated Associations will be able to store archives. Secretary Victorian Division HMSGA HarryH said that there are documents and albums that the division would like to store. Secretary to collate and when appropriate, store them.
Reading different newsletters of the difficulty some Divisions are experiencing in finding suitable meeting venues we are fortunate to have the facilities of the FNMC available.
There was no further business Secretary HarryH Thanked Joan Kime for a delicious lunch and Ann Hillman for a delicious Pavlova and Trifle Thank you Joan and Ann and Thank you Harry Kime for tending the bar.
Next Meeting Seven Bells (11:30) Wednesday July 25th. 2018
Regards – Harry Harrison
Thought for the month: – If at first you don’t succeed— you’re like most other people.
HMS GANGES Victorian Division Newsletter (Masthead 235)
Victoria Australia
Chairman: David Lines. Secretary: Harry Harrison 54, Tamworth Road, Kilsyth, Vic 3137
Telephone Harry 03-9728-3200 mob. +61418809712
Chairman David Lines. Opened the meeting and Welcomed all.
Birthdays John Hannant, Flo Livingston Happy Birthday
Apologies Mary Stephens, John and Maureen Hannant, Charles Jenkinson having a make and mend, Albie and Brian Cunliffe Albie is fine Brian the flu, John Hillman, Pat Vary medical appointment, Owen and Carmel Dingle on holiday.
Sick List. John Hillman has had some medical problems and has been in hospital he is now at home and recuperating. We send our best wishes that you are recovering well John. Also our best wishes to our barman Mark Kinder who is ill with pneumonia. It is the season of colds and flu so we urge you all to take good care of yourselves. Our very best wishes.
Treasurers Report The Divisional general account stands at $3,867.48. An uncashed cheque a donation to TS Tingara of $200 available monies $3,667.48
Correspondence Bank Statements. Minutes from May COM meeting, A letter from Mary Stephens to say she is now in an aged care facility and cannot attend meetings. She extends her best wishes to all.
UK Association Steaming in smooth waters.
General Business 1) The October get together.16 Rooms are on hold at Cadell on the Murray Resort Moama. Chairman David explained costs are $105 for a double room, $100 for a single this an increase of $5 since our last stay 2016. There is also a large family room available contact David for details. Chairman David will pay the deposit on all rooms at $50 and pay David at the get together.
A bus tour with Echuca Maoma bus tours has been arranged a full day tour on the Tuesday. Those present intending to attend voted and with the preferences of those who contacted the secretary the second option which includes lunch at Morrisons winery for a cost of $93pp was decided on by a majority vote. The half day tour on Thursday was accepted. A program for the 5days will be formulated later. A copy of the bus tours will be forwarded to all who have indicated they will attend.
We have 21 attendees to date if anyone is interested but not sure of whether or not they can make it please contact either Chairman David or Secretary HarryH.
AOB 1) Mike Bennett Chairman RNA:- June 10th. birthday lunch will celebrate the clubs birthday, the official Queen’s Birthday and the 97’th birthday of HRH Prince Phillip Duke of Edinburgh. Requested that those attending wear 50’s attire. “Mike stressed that those in un-ironed birthday suits will not be admitted.”
Birthday Entertainment will be provided by De JaVue and lunch catered for. For catering purposes those wishing to attend please contact Mike.
2) Harry Kime FNMC explained it has been a busy time for the club. There were 97 attended the HMAS Sydney lunch.
Chairman David thanked Harry Kime and Joan the Masked Chef for Lunch and Barbara Canty for a delicious dessert. Harry Kime for attending the bar.
Next Meeting Seven Bells (11:30) Wednesday 27th June. 2018
Regards – Harry Harrison
Thought for the month: – A little nonsense now and then , is relished by the wisest men Anon
HMS GANGES Association Meeting 9 May 18
Minutes of Meeting held at
RNA Uxbridge
388A Long Lane, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB10 9PG
9 May 2018
Colin Gent Chairman
Cliff Snelling Secretary
Phil Bridge Treasurer
Ken Bushnell Membership Secretary
Des Kerrigan Events & Standards
Tony Willders Reunion Co-ordinator
Florrie Ford Certificates Secretary
George Barnham
Topsy Turner
Observers: Jim Goddard, Dennis Cracknell, Annette Bushnell, Christine Snelling
Meeting opened: 1112
1. Opening Remarks
The Chairman, Colin Gent, welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending. He also thanked the Chairman and Committee of RNA Uxbridge for providing the venue and refreshments for the meeting.
Colin said that this meeting was predominately a review of Reunion & AGM 2018, and to put in place a programme to go forward to Reunion & AGM 2019. He thanked the wives who gave up most of their time to run the Raffles, help with Membership, and generally support the Committee whose hard work made Reunion 2018 such a success.
2. Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting held on 10 January 2018 at RNA Tamworth were approved as a true record and accepted. There were no matters arising.
3. Secretary’s Report
The Secretary, Cliff Snelling, said he had received several emails congratulating the Committee on
another successful Reunion. Everyone had mentioned what a great job the Committee had done and that without our commitment and dedication the Reunions would not be the success that they are.
4. Financial Report – Reunion 2018
Treasurer, Phil Bridge, provided an analysis of the income and expenditure for Reunion 2018. This
detailed all cash received over the weekend from various raffles and donations, and the expenses
incurred, including donations to the Sea Cadet units, the Pipe Band, the Awesome Cabin Buoys, and Grand Draw winners. The figures showed a small loss of £254.57, much lower than in previous years.
The Rum Maiden Raffle raised £820 which was donated to the Scarborough SCC Fund. The Church
Collection raised £522.40 and this was donated to Prostrate Cancer UK; we have received a letter of
thanks from them. The Grand Draw made a profit of £3,586.20.
5. Membership Report – Reunion 2018
Membership Secretary, Ken Bushnell, said that MemSec station was very busy on the Saturday with
members requesting their new Membership Cards, and this led to the station being re-opened again on the Sunday.
As at 7 May 2018:
Active Members 1250
Life Members 727
Associate Members 83
Lapsed 366 (216 Life Members)
TOTAL 2426
Crossed the Bar 7
New Members 10
The above stats are since the AGM at Mill Rythe on 14 April 2018
Ken said that there was an increase of friends and guests of Ganges Boys requesting to join the
Association as Associate Members. Those people requesting Associate Member forms praised the whole weekend as being well organised, very well run, and most enjoyable.
6. Certificate Secretary – Reunion 2018
Certificate Secretary, Florrie Ford, said the presentations had gone well this year, and was well organised. He already had some names for next year. Sir James Burnell-Nugent was impressed with the certificates and had asked if his signature could be embossed.
Action: Florrie to investigate further.
7. Reunion 2018 debrief
Reunion Co-ordinator, Tony Willders, said he had received nothing but positive feedback. The new Uckers boards were well received, the Pipe Band was excellent, the Saturday evening entertainment was great, Mill Rythe in-house entertainers were very good, Shep and the Awesome Cabin Buoys were of course ‘awesome’.
8. Reunion 2019
Tony said that booking forms for next year would be sent out with the Summer Gazette. IOW Tours have already received nearly 200 bookings.
Tony stated that we need a decent Union Jack and Ensign for Reunion, and we need to gather all flags in one place. Topsy Turner volunteered to be the official custodian of the flags.
Tony said we needed to purchase two more Uckers boards, this expenditure was approved by the
Florrie suggested a Drumhead service for the church service next year.
Action: Florrie and Tony to put together an outline to be discussed at the next committee meeting.
Jim Goddard said that on the IOW Tours website they offered free places when booking groups and asked how the Association allocated these. Tony said that the contract agreed between HMSGA and IOW Tours was not the same as we require sole exclusivity when booking a venue, and we as an Association cannot negotiate better prices than IOW Tours. All members attending Reunion pay the same rate for their accommodation. Committee Members and their wives also pay the same rate, they do not receive any discounts. If we do not achieve the minimum number of bookings required to cover the cost of the venue no cost is incurred by the Association; any loss is borne by IOW Tours.
The General Data Protection Regulation comes into effect on 25 May 2018. This changes the law on how organisations handle personal information, particularly with an increasingly digital era. HMSGA takes your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your membership, to provide you with your Gazette, and inform you of any events.
Our Membership Secretary, Ken Bushnell, had been appointed as the person responsible to ensure that the Association complies with the GDPR.
Action: Membership Sec: Copy of Privacy Policy to be sent to all members with option to opt out;
Membership forms to be updated; personal information to be monitored.
Secretary: Confidentiality letters to be obtained from IOW Tours and Gazette Printers.
10. Articles for Summer Gazette
The Secretary reminded Committee Members that their submissions for the next Gazette needed to be sent to Dick Lloyd, by the 1st June deadline. Booking forms for the next Reunion and the Privacy Policy also need to be sent.
11. Committee Meeting Dates & Venues
The next Committee Meeting is Wednesday 12th September at 1200.
Venue: Gillingham Golf Club, Woodlands Road, Gillingham, ME7 2AP
It was suggested that a future Committee Meeting may be held on HMS Belfast.
Action: Secretary to contact
13. Any Other Business
• Des Kerrigan and Florrie Ford attended the V E Celebration Day on board HMS Belfast on 8 May.
They were welcomed aboard by the Hon Tim Lewin, Vice-President of the HMS Belfast Association,
and presented a cheque for £100 from the HMSGA to help offset the costs of the celebrations. A full
report and photos will be included in the Summer Gazette.
• Phil Bridge said that Sir James Burnell-Nugent reported that the medals awarded at HMS Raleigh to the class leaders and deputies of the HMS Ganges Division are really appreciated.
• The plate on the Ganges Trophy needs some repair. HMS Raleigh is to investigate the possibility and costs.
• Phil Bridge said that some shrubbery is required around the Mylor memorial. It was agreed to
provide £200 for the purchase of the shrubs. It was also agreed to increase our annual payment to
the gardener to £250 to cover the cost of maintenance of the memorial, regular grass cutting, and
planting and looking after the new shrubs.
Proposed: Des Kerrigan Seconded: Florrie Ford
• Phil Bridge said that he attended the HMS Ganges Association Museum AGM and a new Chairman had been elected.
The Chairman thanked everyone for making the effort to attend.
Meeting closed: 1425
