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HMS GANGES Victorian Division Newsletter (Masthead 236)

Victoria Australia

Chairman: David Lines.   Secretary: Harry Harrison 54, Tamworth Road, Kilsyth, Vic 3137

Telephone Harry 03-9728-3200 mob. +61418809712



Chairman David Lines. Stood down from chairing the meeting, due to a medical adversity. Secretary  HarryH Opened the meeting and Welcomed all. David was wished a speedy recovery.

Birthdays Joan Kime, Harry Kime and Harry Thacker Happy Birthday to all.

Apologies Winifred Harrison, Owen and Carmel Dingle, Harry Thacker, Charles Jenkinson, Sally Briscoe, John and Maureen Hannant,

Sick List.  John Hillman, John has been in hospital and was gravely ill, but has once again rallied and it was really good to see him at the meeting almost hale and hearty again. All our very best John.

Since the meeting in a telephone conversation with Derek Ernst he informed me that he is now in Palliative care at home. The chemotherapy is no longer effective. He plans to step down as President of the South Australian Division. Derek has worked tirelessly for the SA division ably supported by his good wife Judy, who also has medical problems. The Victorian Division wishes Judy Derek and family our very best wishes for the difficult coming days.

Treasurers Report The Divisional general account stands at $3,897.48. With one un-cashed cheque of $200 for TS Tingara. Chairman David explained that due to circumstances the cheque has not been handed over to date. Available monies $3,697.48

 Correspondence Bank Statements. The Buzz from Guzz. South African Division Masthead. All commented on the professional presentation of the news letter.

UK Association   All quiet on the Northern Front. From press reports all are enjoying a warm summer, hottest for a number of years. Enjoy shipmates.

General Business 1) The October get together. Chairman David has paid a deposit on16 rooms at Cadell on the Murray Resort Moama.  David has paid it personally, so please pay $50 deposit to David at the venue. Secretary has organised bus trips a full day tour oh Tuesday 2nd. October to place of interest with lunch at Morison’s winery inclusive cost $93pp. Also a half day tour of local scenic attractions including the Great Aussie Beer Shed Folk Museum. Cost $73pp  A full itinerary of both tours will be promulgated. The tours are orgsnised by Ross and Jill Young of Echuca Maoma Bus Tours. Treasurer asked approval from meeting for $200 be transferred from Divisional funds to the operators as a deposit. Approval was given. Contact details are in the letterhead. A program of all activities is being formulated and will be circulated at the next meeting.

AOB 1) Mike Bennett Chairman RNA: – Said the June birthday lunch was a success and enjoyed by all. The July lunch will have a Mamma Mia Italian theme and the lunch an Italian cuisine flavour. Cost id $10 and this month for $2 you can purchase a thermal soup mug with heater to have a hot Minestrone soup. August lunch will be the Bah Humbug it Ain’t Christmas lunch will be. With the menu lamb and ham Christmas pudding and Champagne and Brandy Christmas cake. $10 for members.

Mike went into great detail of how he and his wife Sue have been hacked resulting in considerable stress. They now only have a mobile and no landline. Mike has had a message service set up for RNA bookings it is purely a message service, if people wish a reply please leave their number. The number is 5931647.

Mike stressed the importance of being aware of scam if you do not recognize the number delete the same for emails. Members should remember that government agencies and banks do not cold call requesting details. Hang up and call your local bank or the government agency to verify bona fides.

Harry Kime President of the FNMC gave a run down on the successful sausage sizzle held at Bunnings Frankston it realised about $2,000 for FNMC funds. He thanked all those volunteers who worked hard to ensure the success of the day.

The FNMC annual dinner will be held at the FNMC on Saturday the 25th.August at 1900hrs. Cost $40 for members and $50 for guests cost includes a bottle of white and red wine per table. It is a formal dinner to celebrate 27 years of the FNMC.

David Lines requested that the screen used at RNA lunches be moved back to enable the end tables to see the screen without having to move tables. Harry said he will investigate.

Harry also explained that funding has been provided to build a proper archive storage facility. For a fee associated Associations will be able to store archives. Secretary Victorian Division HMSGA HarryH said that there are documents and albums that the division would like to store. Secretary to collate and when appropriate, store them.

Reading different newsletters of the difficulty some Divisions are experiencing in finding suitable meeting venues we are fortunate to have the facilities of the FNMC available.

There was no further business Secretary HarryH Thanked Joan Kime for a delicious lunch and Ann Hillman for a delicious Pavlova and Trifle Thank you Joan and Ann and Thank you Harry Kime for tending the bar.

Next Meeting Seven Bells (11:30) Wednesday July 25th. 2018

Regards – Harry Harrison

Thought for the month: – If at first you don’t succeed— you’re like most other people.



HMS GANGES Victorian Division Newsletter (Masthead 235)

Victoria Australia

Chairman: David Lines.   Secretary: Harry Harrison 54, Tamworth Road, Kilsyth, Vic 3137

Telephone Harry 03-9728-3200 mob. +61418809712



Chairman David Lines. Opened the meeting and Welcomed all.

Birthdays John Hannant, Flo Livingston Happy Birthday

Apologies Mary Stephens, John and Maureen Hannant, Charles Jenkinson having a make and mend, Albie and Brian Cunliffe Albie is fine Brian the flu, John Hillman, Pat Vary medical appointment, Owen and Carmel Dingle on holiday.

Sick List. John Hillman has had some medical problems and has been in hospital he is now at home and recuperating. We send our best wishes that you are recovering well John. Also our best wishes to our barman Mark Kinder who is ill with pneumonia. It is the season of colds and flu so we urge you all to take good care of yourselves. Our very best wishes.

Treasurers Report The Divisional general account stands at $3,867.48. An uncashed cheque a donation to TS Tingara of $200 available monies $3,667.48

Correspondence Bank Statements. Minutes from May COM meeting, A letter from Mary Stephens to say she is now in an aged care facility and cannot attend meetings. She extends her best wishes to all.

UK Association  Steaming in smooth waters.

General Business 1) The October get together.16 Rooms are on hold at Cadell on the Murray Resort Moama. Chairman David explained costs are $105 for a double room, $100 for a single this an increase of $5 since our last stay 2016. There is also a large family room available contact David for details. Chairman David will pay the deposit on all rooms at $50 and pay David at the get together.

A bus tour with Echuca  Maoma bus tours has been arranged a full day tour on the Tuesday. Those present intending to attend voted  and with the preferences of those who contacted the secretary the second option which includes lunch at Morrisons winery for a cost of $93pp was decided on by a majority vote. The half day tour on Thursday was accepted. A program for the 5days will be formulated later. A copy of the bus tours will be forwarded to all who have indicated they will attend.

We have 21 attendees to date if anyone is interested but not sure of whether or not they can make it please contact either Chairman David or Secretary HarryH.

AOB  1) Mike Bennett  Chairman RNA:-    June 10th. birthday  lunch will celebrate the clubs birthday, the official Queen’s Birthday  and the 97’th birthday of HRH Prince Phillip Duke of Edinburgh. Requested that those attending wear 50’s attire.  “Mike stressed that those in un-ironed birthday suits will not be admitted.”

Birthday Entertainment will be provided by De JaVue and lunch catered for. For catering purposes those wishing to attend please contact Mike.

2) Harry Kime FNMC explained it has been a busy time for the club. There were 97 attended the HMAS Sydney lunch.

Chairman David thanked Harry Kime and Joan the Masked Chef for Lunch and Barbara Canty for a delicious dessert. Harry Kime for attending the bar.

Next Meeting Seven Bells (11:30) Wednesday 27th June. 2018

Regards – Harry Harrison

Thought for the month: – A little nonsense now and then , is relished by the wisest men Anon





HMS GANGES Association Meeting 9 May 18

Minutes of Meeting held at
RNA Uxbridge
388A Long Lane, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB10 9PG

9 May 2018
Colin Gent Chairman
Cliff Snelling Secretary
Phil Bridge Treasurer
Ken Bushnell Membership Secretary
Des Kerrigan Events & Standards
Tony Willders Reunion Co-ordinator
Florrie Ford Certificates Secretary
George Barnham
Topsy Turner
Observers: Jim Goddard, Dennis Cracknell, Annette Bushnell, Christine Snelling
Meeting opened: 1112
1. Opening Remarks
The Chairman, Colin Gent, welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending. He also thanked the Chairman and Committee of RNA Uxbridge for providing the venue and refreshments for the meeting.
Colin said that this meeting was predominately a review of Reunion & AGM 2018, and to put in place a programme to go forward to Reunion & AGM 2019. He thanked the wives who gave up most of their time to run the Raffles, help with Membership, and generally support the Committee whose hard work made Reunion 2018 such a success.
2. Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting held on 10 January 2018 at RNA Tamworth were approved as a true record and accepted. There were no matters arising.
3. Secretary’s Report
The Secretary, Cliff Snelling, said he had received several emails congratulating the Committee on
another successful Reunion. Everyone had mentioned what a great job the Committee had done and that without our commitment and dedication the Reunions would not be the success that they are.
4. Financial Report – Reunion 2018
Treasurer, Phil Bridge, provided an analysis of the income and expenditure for Reunion 2018. This
detailed all cash received over the weekend from various raffles and donations, and the expenses
incurred, including donations to the Sea Cadet units, the Pipe Band, the Awesome Cabin Buoys, and Grand Draw winners. The figures showed a small loss of £254.57, much lower than in previous years.
The Rum Maiden Raffle raised £820 which was donated to the Scarborough SCC Fund. The Church
Collection raised £522.40 and this was donated to Prostrate Cancer UK; we have received a letter of
thanks from them. The Grand Draw made a profit of £3,586.20.
5. Membership Report – Reunion 2018
Membership Secretary, Ken Bushnell, said that MemSec station was very busy on the Saturday with
members requesting their new Membership Cards, and this led to the station being re-opened again on the Sunday.

As at 7 May 2018:
Active Members 1250
Life Members 727
Associate Members 83
Lapsed 366 (216 Life Members)
TOTAL 2426
Crossed the Bar 7
New Members 10
The above stats are since the AGM at Mill Rythe on 14 April 2018
Ken said that there was an increase of friends and guests of Ganges Boys requesting to join the
Association as Associate Members. Those people requesting Associate Member forms praised the whole weekend as being well organised, very well run, and most enjoyable.
6. Certificate Secretary – Reunion 2018
Certificate Secretary, Florrie Ford, said the presentations had gone well this year, and was well organised. He already had some names for next year. Sir James Burnell-Nugent was impressed with the certificates and had asked if his signature could be embossed.
Action: Florrie to investigate further.
7. Reunion 2018 debrief
Reunion Co-ordinator, Tony Willders, said he had received nothing but positive feedback. The new Uckers boards were well received, the Pipe Band was excellent, the Saturday evening entertainment was great, Mill Rythe in-house entertainers were very good, Shep and the Awesome Cabin Buoys were of course ‘awesome’.
8. Reunion 2019
Tony said that booking forms for next year would be sent out with the Summer Gazette. IOW Tours have already received nearly 200 bookings.
Tony stated that we need a decent Union Jack and Ensign for Reunion, and we need to gather all flags in one place. Topsy Turner volunteered to be the official custodian of the flags.
Tony said we needed to purchase two more Uckers boards, this expenditure was approved by the
Florrie suggested a Drumhead service for the church service next year.
Action: Florrie and Tony to put together an outline to be discussed at the next committee meeting.
Jim Goddard said that on the IOW Tours website they offered free places when booking groups and asked how the Association allocated these. Tony said that the contract agreed between HMSGA and IOW Tours was not the same as we require sole exclusivity when booking a venue, and we as an Association cannot negotiate better prices than IOW Tours. All members attending Reunion pay the same rate for their accommodation. Committee Members and their wives also pay the same rate, they do not receive any discounts. If we do not achieve the minimum number of bookings required to cover the cost of the venue no cost is incurred by the Association; any loss is borne by IOW Tours.
The General Data Protection Regulation comes into effect on 25 May 2018. This changes the law on how organisations handle personal information, particularly with an increasingly digital era. HMSGA takes your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your membership, to provide you with your Gazette, and inform you of any events.
Our Membership Secretary, Ken Bushnell, had been appointed as the person responsible to ensure that the Association complies with the GDPR.
Action: Membership Sec: Copy of Privacy Policy to be sent to all members with option to opt out;
Membership forms to be updated; personal information to be monitored.
Secretary: Confidentiality letters to be obtained from IOW Tours and Gazette Printers.

10. Articles for Summer Gazette
The Secretary reminded Committee Members that their submissions for the next Gazette needed to be sent to Dick Lloyd, by the 1st June deadline. Booking forms for the next Reunion and the Privacy Policy also need to be sent.
11. Committee Meeting Dates & Venues
The next Committee Meeting is Wednesday 12th September at 1200.
Venue: Gillingham Golf Club, Woodlands Road, Gillingham, ME7 2AP
It was suggested that a future Committee Meeting may be held on HMS Belfast.
Action: Secretary to contact
13. Any Other Business
• Des Kerrigan and Florrie Ford attended the V E Celebration Day on board HMS Belfast on 8 May.
They were welcomed aboard by the Hon Tim Lewin, Vice-President of the HMS Belfast Association,
and presented a cheque for £100 from the HMSGA to help offset the costs of the celebrations. A full
report and photos will be included in the Summer Gazette.
• Phil Bridge said that Sir James Burnell-Nugent reported that the medals awarded at HMS Raleigh to the class leaders and deputies of the HMS Ganges Division are really appreciated.
• The plate on the Ganges Trophy needs some repair. HMS Raleigh is to investigate the possibility and costs.
• Phil Bridge said that some shrubbery is required around the Mylor memorial. It was agreed to
provide £200 for the purchase of the shrubs. It was also agreed to increase our annual payment to
the gardener to £250 to cover the cost of maintenance of the memorial, regular grass cutting, and
planting and looking after the new shrubs.
Proposed: Des Kerrigan Seconded: Florrie Ford
• Phil Bridge said that he attended the HMS Ganges Association Museum AGM and a new Chairman had been elected.
The Chairman thanked everyone for making the effort to attend.
Meeting closed: 1425

HMS GANGES WA Division Hoist May 2018

G’day all,

This hoist will be a bit later than usual as I returned from the UK to find a lightning strike during a storm fried my modem and I am only just back on line, are well, thems the breaks!

Brian Thompson and I had a great trip, besides the Ganges Reunion we also managed to visit Shotley and Plymouth. We are booked in as the lamp swingers at our meeting of the 24th May so I will just include a couple of photos so as not to pre-empt the talk. However, the reunion itself was very well run and a credit to the Association, BZ to all involved.



Brian and I visited the Ganges site. This was taken by the security guard who should have kicked us out after we wandered in but took a photo for us instead. If restoration work isn’t commenced soon it will all be on the deck. During our chat he did tell us the Nelson Hall is also to be refurbished.


As stokers, whilst in Plymouth we got the opportunity to visit HMS Raleigh, although she was closed for Easter the gatekeeper allowed us in for a photo after checking with his superior. No idea what’s under the canvas covers either side of the figurehead.





Sausage Sizzle at Tony Smiths 15/03/18:


A great time was had at Tony Smiths whilst checking out his mast. The photo says it all. For other than members Tony Smith is 3rd from left in back row with camera.



Social Sausage Sizzle 22/04/18:

I was in the air when this was taking place but the reports are it was another successful outing.



Division Gatherings for 2018

Committee Meetings

3rd Thursday of odd month

Commencing 1200

Fremantle Navy Club

Division Meetings

4th Thursday of odd month

Commencing 1200

Fremantle Navy Club

Social Sausage Sizzles

4th Sunday of even month

Commencing 1200

Rockingham Navy Club

17th May 24th May 24th June RRNA
19th July 26th July 26th August Ganges
20st September 27th September 28th October RRNA
15th November 22nd November (AGM)
Annual Black Tot Day Lunch

1200 Wednesday 1st August

at Fremantle Navy Club

Christmas Lunch

1200 Wednesday 12th December

at Fremantle Navy Club


Ever wondered why ‘Tattoos’?

The word tattoo, or tattow in the 18th century, is a loanword from the Samoan word tatau, meaning “to strike”. The Oxford English Dictionary gives the etymology of tattoo as “In 18th c. tattaow, tattow. From Polynesian (Samoan, Tahitian, Tongan, etc.) tatau. In Marquesan, tatu.” Before the importation of the Polynesian word, the practice of tattooing had been described in the West as painting, scarring, or staining.

This is not to be confused with the origins of the word for the military drumbeat or performance In this case, the English word tattoo is derived from the Dutch word taptoe.

The first written reference to the word tattoo (or tatau) appears in the journal of Joseph Banks (24 February 1743 – 19 June 1820), the naturalist aboard explorer Captain Cook’s ship the HMS Endeavour: “I shall now mention the way they mark themselves indelibly, each of them is so marked by their humour or disposition”. The word tattoo was brought to Europe by Cook, when he returned in 1769 from his first voyage to Tahiti and New Zealand. In his narrative of the voyage, he refers to an operation called “tattaw”.

tattoo is a military performance of music or display of armed forces in general. The term comes from the early 17th century Dutch phrase doe den tap toe (“turn off the tap”), a signal sounded by drummers or trumpeters to instruct innkeepers near military garrisons to stop serving beer and for soldiers to return to their barracks, and is unrelated to the Tahitian origins of an ink tattoo.

The tattoo was originally a form of military music, but the practice has evolved into more elaborate shows involving theatrics and musical performances.

RN Snippits:

The Royal Navy’s growth:

Technically the RN is growing, just not any larger than it was four years ago. Statements made by the government explicitly claim that the Royal Navy is growing, but are those claims accurate? Ministers often spoke in Parliament last year of “a growing Royal Navy” but official figures appear to disagree with those claims. According to the UK Armed Forces Equipment and Formations document released by the Government detailing statistics on vessels, land equipment and aircraft of the armed forces. It states:
“At 1 April 2017 there were 73 vessels in the UK Armed Forces: 64 vessels in the Royal Navy and nine in the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA). This is a reduction of three vessels since 2016 following the withdrawal of three RFA vessels: two Small Fleet Tankers and one Forward Repair Ship (RFA Diligence).”
It gets a little muddier though as Guto Bebb, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence, recently responded to a written question in Parliament, outlining the fleet size. “Based on the records held, the number of Royal Navy and Royal Fleet Auxiliary surface vessels in each of the last five years was:

Year Number of Vessels
2013 78
2014 77
2015 75
2016 73
2017 72

This would appear to show a sharp decrease in hulls since 2013 and in the period when claims of “a
growing Royal Navy” were shouted from the rooftops however Bebb added that current planning will see the number of hulls in the fleet increase: “On current planning assumptions the number of Royal Navy and Royal Fleet Auxiliary surface vessels in the next five years is:

Year Number of Vessels
2018 & 2019 76
2020 to 2022 77


All this does however is highlight that the fleet size is only playing catch-up with where it was five years ago and even then, isn’t going to surpass the 2013 figure. Mark Lancaster, Minister of State at the Ministry of Defence, said: “For the first time in a generation, the Royal Navy is actually growing. It grew in manpower last year and will continue to grow over the next couple of years, and not just in manpower—the size of its surface fleet is also growing. The latest of the offshore patrol vessels arrived in Portsmouth only this weekend.”
According to the Defence Select Committee, the UK has a “woefully low” number of vessels. Chair of the committee Dr Julian Lewis advised earlier in the year that the Government risked leaving the country with fewer than 19 frigates and destroyers. “The United Kingdom will then lack the maritime strength to deal with the threats we face right now, let alone in the future. We are putting the MoD on notice that it must not let this happen.”
Additionally, Sir John Parker the author of an independent report on the National Shipbuilding Strategy, has indicated that the frigate fleet will fall below 13 frigates unless the Type 31 Frigate build starts soon,
something that appears unlikely for a project described by a minister as still in “early pre-concept phase”
with no design having yet been chosen.
Julian Lewis asked during a Defence Select Committee session on the National Shipbuilding Strategy: “So what you are saying—and this is a critical point—is that unless we start building the Type 31e frigates in parallel with the Type 26s, there is little chance of not reducing below our existing figure of 13 frigates all told. That, I must say, fits in with the projections I have seen and it follows from that, therefore, that we have to consider the best way of building two classes of frigates in parallel, rather than in succession.” Sir John Parker responded with one word: “Correct.”
In conclusion, the Royal Navy technically is growing if you can only remember as far back as a couple of years ago but this ignores that the numbers are playing catch up to where they were five years ago and aren’t going to exceed the 2013 fleet size. All the figures show is that the Royal Navy, overall, has shrunk in the last five years. (Source: SA’s Maritime News via UK Defence Journal)


BAE Systems Showcasing Type 31e Frigate Design for the 1st Time
At DIMDEX 2018, the Doha International Maritime Defence Exhibition & Conference currently held in Doha, Qatar, BAE Systems is show-casing for the very first time the proposed design for the Type 31e frigate competition in the UK. BAE Systems has brought together its warship design and engineering capability and combat systems expertise with Cammell Laird, the commercial shipbuilder, in a Teaming Agreement to bid for the contract to deliver Type 31e, the UK’s adaptable general purpose frigate.


A key part of the Type 31e programme is configuring the new frigate and its Combat Management System to be attractive to potential international customers. BAE Systems’ design of this highly capable multi-mission warship demonstrates the flexibility of the ship to meet all warfare roles. Using a flexible mission bay that can be reconfigured at short notice it can perform constabulary, disaster relief, maritime interdiction, counter-piracy and joint taskforce operations.


With a proposed top speed in excess of 25 knots and a range of more than 7,500 miles, BAE Systems’
design is equipped with some of the most modern and effective weapons systems available, and has been designed to operate in international waters, including the Gulf. It is capable of operating both independently for significant periods and as part of a task group, offering enormous value in bringing together allied maritime nations.
The Type 31e design being proposed for the UK Royal Navy will also feature an enhanced BAE Systems
combat system. Building on the pedigree of the systems installed across the UK Royal Navy’s fleet this
combat system will add enhanced features through its open, secure, flexible and extensive architecture,
ensuring it can be upgraded as new technology develops, adapting to ever-evolving threats.
Angus Holt, BAE Systems’ Type 31e Programme Director, said: “We are proud to be displaying our Type 31e design at DIMDEX, the first opportunity for international audiences to see this highly capable ship. Our Type 31e design builds on the proven design and quality of our ships, including Type 45, Offshore Patrol Vessels and the Khareef vessels delivered to the Royal Navy of Oman. It also draws upon the invaluable experience of our Type 26 Global Combat Ship programme, giving us the confidence that we are able to offer a highly advanced ship that can be deployed for a variety of purposes around the world”.
According to BAE Systems, the Type 31e will be a highly capable multi-mission warship, designed to deliver the full range of warfare from complex combat operations to maritime security and humanitarian assistance. The flexible mission bay means these ships can be adapted to support different missions within a short space of time. The ship will be equipped with some of the most modern and effective weapons systems available and will take full advantage of open systems architecture so it can easily be upgraded as new technology develops, ensuring it is adaptable to the evolving threats of tomorrow. It will be capable of operating independently for significant periods or as part of a task group. With the potential to accommodate sub-systems to meet individual country needs, the design offers enormous value in bringing together allied maritime nations. (source SA’s Marine News via Navy Recognition)


Type 31e


Point to ponder!

That’s all folks;

Cheers aye – Ian 







HMS GANGES Association AGM Minutes


Established 1982
Page 1 of 9
held at Mill Rythe, Hayling Island
14 April 2018


Colin Gent Chairman
Cliff Snelling Secretary
Phil Bridge Treasurer
Ken Bushnell Membership Secretary
Des Kerrigan Events & Standards
Charles (Florrie) Ford Certificate Secretary
Tony Willders Reunion Secretary
Shep Woolley Life Vice President
George Barnham

The Chairman, Colin Gent, opened the meeting at 10:00.
The National Standard (Tony Cooke), together with Standards from West London (Paddy
Minns), Dorset (Ray Fraser), Fulham & Chelsea (Glenn (Jacko) Jack), Shotley (John Yougman),
Solent (Alan Hudspeth), Devonport (Les Raspisson) and Mercantile Marine (John Clarke) were
paraded under Standards Marshall Des Kerrigan, and inspected by Eddie Seaborne and John
1. To remember those who Crossed the Bar
Mac Brodie, Life Vice President, stated that the Association had been notified of 134 members
who had crossed the bar since the last AGM. Standards were dipped as he read out the names
of the 27 Members who had crossed the bar since the last issue of the Gazette. A silence was
observed in remembrance.
Established 1982
Page 2 of 9
2. Chairman’s opening address
The Chairman, Colin Gent, welcomed everyone to the 35th Annual Reunion and AGM, and
acknowledged the presence of founding members and Life Vice Presidents Peter Taylor, Mac
Brodie, and Shep Woolley.
Colin thanked everyone for making the effort to travel the length and breadth of the country to
be here, and in particular those members who had travelled from abroad. He invited the
overseas members to come up and announce themselves.
Ian Critchley – Western Australia; Brian Thompson – Western Australia; Michael Kerr – USA;
Ken Marjoram – Canada; David Pegg – France; Colin Pearce – Jersey.
They were warmly applauded by all those present.
Colin said he was pleased to report to members on a very positive note. We, as an
Association, are now in an enviable position amongst the family of Naval Associations. We are
stable financially for now and in the future; we are still recruiting new members; we have a
first class website; we have attendance at many events, promoting the Association. Colin
thanked everyone for the terrific attendance at this Reunion, long may it continue.
Of course, none of this would be possible without the dedication and hard work, all given in
their own time, of the people sat at the table as your elected committee. Colin said members
would hear today, and hoped everyone would agree, of positive reports from each committee
member, and said he was very proud to commend them to the members. Colin said it
continued to astound him the personal time members of the committee give up to make sure
this Association thrives and he gave his personal thanks to each and every one of them, and
hoped members would too.
During the year Committee Meetings have been held in Shotley and Tamworth, both well
attended, with in the main positive comments afterwards, and Colin thanked all those who
made it happen. He said however, that the overriding decision as to the location of meetings
must be governed by the personal time, availability, cost and distance travelled by committee
members as, other than mileage, all other costs are borne by the individual.
Colin said that it is a fact that we continue to lose members as they “cross the bar”, sadly in
far too many numbers; unfortunately, with the gates of our “Alma mater” closing in 1976 it is
inevitable, as age takes it toll.
Tony Cooke, our National Standard Bearer, is a testament to that as he travels the length and
breadth of the country attending funerals at the request of members family’s and on behalf of
the Association. Colin said, let me add again, in his own time, continually supported by his
wife Pauline, sometimes spending a week away going from one funeral service to another.
Tony is of course supported by the divisional standard bearers and many of the members
whenever they can, and it brings great comfort and appreciation to the bereaved families. We
should all be proud of that.
Some members may be aware that on 25 May 2018 the new General Data Protection Act
(GDPA) comes into force. This legislates how organisations deal with the data they collect and
is a tightening up of the present controls, but mainly aimed at large businesses and charities.
We, as an Association, have a task to look at it, assess it, and see how the new legislation
affects us. We are already working on this, but let me assure you that HMSGA, in the way it
already conducts itself, is 98% of the way there. We may need to amend membership forms,
and send forms to members but when the Committee meets in May we will have formulated
what we, as an Association, need to do to conform to the new Act, and we will then notify all
Established 1982
Page 3 of 9
Colin said that towards the end of this AGM we would, he hoped, be welcoming a new
committee member to the team in Phillip (Topsy) Turner. Of course this means we would be
losing one of the most influential driving forces of the Committee and the Association in John
(Shep) Woolley who, he says, still has so many diverse things he wants to do and achieve.
No-one can deny the dogged determination, time and hard work that Shep has put into
making this Association, not only survive, but move on and go from strength to strength, both
in his tenure as Chairman and subsequently as a committee member, particularly in the
organisation of the Reunions and many other Association events. He will be sorely missed, but
as a Life Vice President Colin said no doubt Shep would be offering wise counsel where and
whenever needed. Colin said he would personally like to thank Shep for all the help, support
and guidance Shep had given him during his term as Chairman. A gift of a Bosun’s Call
mounted on a carved block of wood was presented to Shep.
Finally, Colin said he hoped everyone had a terrific weekend, renewing the comeradery of old
shipmates, and making some new ones along the way.
3. Minutes of 2017 AGM
The Secretary, Cliff Snelling, asked for a vote to approve the Minutes of the 2017 AGM. The
proposal was carried. There were no matters arising.
4. Association Accounts
The Secretary asked for a vote to approve the Association Accounts for the period 1st April
2016 to 31st March 2017. The proposal was carried.
5. Secretary Report
Secretary, Cliff Snelling, said that no correspondence has been received since the last AGM.
He went on to say that, whilst vacationing in the southern hemisphere at the end of last year,
he was fortunate enough to meet up with members from some of our Australian Divisions.
In Western Australia Jim Sharkey invited Cliff and his wife Christine to their meeting at the
Perth & Fremantle Navy Club. They were made very welcome by everybody, the meeting was
entertaining, and followed by a great lunch.
In Victoria David Lines and his wife collected Cliff and Christine from their hotel in Melbourne
and drove them to Langwarrin, where they had been invited to join the RNA for Trafalgar
Lunch. There was a special table for the Ganges boys, and they enjoyed good food, good
company, and a generous supply of rum. David then returned them to our hotel which was
very much appreciated as it was over an hour’s drive each way.
In South Australia Derek Ernst invited Cliff and Christine to join them for their meeting and
lunch at the Eagles Bistro in Adelaide. Once again they were made extremely welcome and
had a very enjoyable time.
At all of the meetings Cliff said he was asked to give a short overview of the state of the
Association and answer the many questions that were asked; this was generally well received
by all of the members.
Cliff said that he found that the members of the divisions he met were full of good cheer, and
still very enthusiastic and pro-active in their get-togethers, considering their advancing age
and the distances that many of them travel to attend meetings.
Cliff said that he and Christine were extremely well looked after and were made very welcome
at all the meetings they attended. It was a pleasure to meet some of our Australian members,
and finally be able to put faces to names.
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Cliff said that he had been asked by the HMS Ganges Association Museum to remind members
that the Museum AGM will be held next Saturday, 21st April, at 10.30am, at the Shotley
Sailing Club.
Don’t forget, the Museum would benefit from having more members – it’s only £5 per year!
Contact the Secretary, June Lawford-Randall, if you would like to join. Details on the Museum
6. Treasurer Report
The Treasurer, Phil Bridge, said that it gave him great pleasure to say to you that the
Association Funds are 10 times better than when he took over 7/8 years ago.
The Association has assets of £68,613.72, made up as follows:
Community Account £8,199.89
Reunion Account £44.63
Tracker Account £60,039.43
Petty Cash Box £55.93
Fixed Assets £342.30 (Laptop x 2 and Voice Recorder)
All figures correct as of 31 March 2018.
Major Income
Subscriptions & Donations £37,540.11 (£38,261.07)
Grand Draw £5,332.00 (£5,845.00)
Major Outgoings (above £500.00)
Gazette x 3 £13,267.76 (£13,792.46)
N.S.B Expenses £4,442.51 (£3,068.58)
Committee Travel £2,467.99 (£1,401.30)
GA Promotion Team £743.91 (£1,129.30)
Stationery/Postage £1,813.04 (£1,192.86)
Xmas Draw £900.00 (£900.00)
Membership Cards £1,139.09
Mylor Refurbishment £2,717.09 (£182.95)
Raleigh Medals £1,353.60
Charities/Donations £3,000.89 (£1,728.00)
Total Income £42,872.11 (£44,106.07)
Total Expenditure £40,963.46 (£31,748.20)
Figures in brackets are last year’s amounts
Thus, this year our profit over loss is £1,908.65
Phil thanked members for their support and trust, and also Liz Macleod and Dave & Ann Fagg
for their time in examining his books.
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7. Membership Secretary Report
The Membership Secretary, Ken Bushnell, stated that total membership is 2,423 and consists
of a number of facets.
Active Members 1250
Life Members 733
Associate Members 77
Lapsed Members 363
We have two categories of Lapsed Members:
1. Where Gazettes and correspondence has been returned to MemSec ‘Address not Known’
– 231 – mainly Life Members.
2. Where a member continues to pay the incorrect subs although they have been contacted
on at least three occasions, all to no avail – 132.
Lapsed Members do not receive the Gazette.
95 members CTB during the period April 2017 to March 2018. During the same period 46 new
members have joined the Association.
Ken stated that this was the 5th MemSec report he had made at AGM, which he said was an
honour and a pleasure. We continue to attract new members, and long may that last.
Ken said that, as at all reunions, joining us this weekend we have a number of ‘guests’ – family
and friends of Ganges Boys, and possibly some Ganges Boys who are not members of the GA.
He said he would like to extend the warm hand of friendship to those guests, and especially
the ex-Ganges Boys. ‘Come and join this fine Association, you are more than welcome’
A courteous reminder to members – when moving house of if you have any change of
circumstances, please inform the MemSec.
Ken said that MemSec Station would be in operation all day to receive subs, donations and
membership enquiries; come and say hello and maybe join the Association if you are not
already a member.
Finally, on behalf of MemSec and Co, Ken said he would like to thank his wife Annette who
contributes a great deal of work in assisting him, and further he wished everyone a fantastic
Reunion 2018 and hoped to see everyone again in 2019.
8. Certificate Secretary Report
Certificate Secretary, Florrie Ford, said that all who expected certificates in the evening could
they please check with him beforehand to make sure they were on the list. Also, photographs
would only be taken by the official photographer.
Florrie said that last September he was asked to instigate a Junior Award for young people who
get involved with the HMSGA. He said details had been published in the last Gazette. Florrie
asked that if any member knew of a young person who they felt was deserving of the award,
for example by helping a group of members or an individual, could they please let him know
and he would send them a certificate which they could present to that young person on behalf
Florrie said that ‘My Bessie Mate’ had visited the USA, South Africa, and Australia over the last
12 months, and this year it was his intention to visit all the local UK divisions.
Florrie also said that he was selling raffle tickets for a Rum Maiden which would be drawn on
Sunday evening. All the money raised would be going to Scarborough, for the Sea Cadet fund.
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9. Events & Standards Report
Des said that the bulk of this AGM 2018 Report was fully covered in the Spring Edition of the
Ganges Gazette, which he was sure that members had all digested.
He said he could only repeat his ongoing sentiment and say how grateful we are to all the
Standard Bearers that make the effort and turn out. Please remember these Boys that give up
their own time, both at Reunion and locally.
Attendance at Funerals throughout the UK by our National Standard Bearer, Tony Cooke,
supporting the Ganges Families in their time of grief, remains paramount. Paddy Minns, Alan
Hudspeth, Martin Wiltshire with other Local Divisions’ Standards and Des support where they
can which is all part of our Association’s being. Please remember that Des now holds a stock
of HMS Ganges wreaths, if a family specially request one for a member’s funeral.
Des said that Paddy is back up and running on all cylinders now and it is good to see him out
and about with the West London Standard. On a personal note, in spite of his recent Gazette
notification and due to unforeseen circumstances, Des said he will remain custodian of the
Mercantile Marine Division Standard until a willing volunteer steps up.
Obviously, Armistice Day and our Remembrance Sunday featured most recently for all of us,
with both local Parades and the Cenotaph at Whitehall being attended. The turn-out in London
was well supported, as always, with Shep and Topsy managing to keep control. The
Association was acknowledged by the BBC as being on Parade, but no mug shots this year!!
Des said that he was sure that no matter where in the world you were, your Ganges blazer
was worn with pride. Des and Susan went to Shotley this year to be with the Shotley Division,
remembering where it all started for us. He said it was an honour to join them and to carry
the Mercantile Marine Division Standard along with Tony Cooke, our NSB, John Youngman from
Shotley and others.
More recently, last month, 20 plus members, wives and partners travelled down to Falmouth
to once again take part in the anniversary parade of the St. Nazaire raid of March 1942. The
parade, and our Association’s participation in it, has now become an annual highlight for both
Falmouth Borough Council and the St. Nazaire Association, with our Association’s attendance
warmly welcomed. Our members were honoured with a Civic Reception on the Saturday and
full Parade participation on the Sunday morning, with the parading of the Solent Division’s
HMSGA Standard by Martin Wiltshire and the laying of our wreath by Shep. The Sunday
afternoon took us to out to Mylor to the Ganges Memorial and a very moving service in the
Mylor Church, with local dignitaries in attendance. John Clarke laid the wreath. Our thanks
must go to all who continue to keep our Mylor Memorial in such a fitting condition. We must
never forget our Boys who are remembered at Mylor. David Rye (Mousey) has submitted a
more comprehensive article covering the weekend for the Summer Gazette. Des thanked all
who supported the weekend; a great time was had by all, with the snow on Sunday doing its
best to cocoon everyone in Cornwall. Des thought that they were not too keen on us
The Site is still in the process of being cleaned up to commence development. Work has
started by McNicholas, the contractors, with the laying of pipework for drainage. Positive news
is that Full Consent has been granted by Babergh Council and it appears it is the Developers
that are dragging their feet. As previously indicated, once building starts and something like
130 properties completed, the developers are under obligation to commence some form of
Mast work. To that end, the indications are that TS Rigging Ltd of Maldon in Essex have been
appointed for the ‘Visual Restoration of the Mast’ and will shortly commence the three-phase
project. To date, they await official instructions from the developers. We are assuming that
the bulk of the work will take place on site at Shotley. Phase 1 will be to ‘Make Safe and
Document’; Phase 2 will be the ‘Restoration’; and Phase 3 the ‘Installation’. So it looks as
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though our Mast is going nowhere!! Joy to our Hearts. The Committee will monitor progress,
you have our assurance.
Des said that if members have any questions to please channel them though the Committee.
We would not want to antagonise the contractors with questions from all directions.
If there are ever any issues which you, as a Member, wish to discuss please feel free to call or
email Des, or indeed any of the Committee Members.
10. PR Team Report
Martin Wiltshire said that PR Team costs for 2017 were as follows:
Market Traders Insurance 50.00
Suffolk County Show
• Mileage 237.60
• Accommodation – provided by George & Carol Barnham
• Entry fee – paid by MoD as we are in the military set up
Weymouth Armed Forces Weekend
• Mileage 94.95
• Accommodation (2 nights) 276.96
RAF Northolt Open Day – mileage only 77.40
Total £736.91
Estimated costs for 2018 are:
Market Traders Insurance 57.00
Suffolk County Show
• Mileage 237.60
• Accommodation – provided by George & Carol Barnham
• Entry fee – paid by MoD as we are in the military set up
Weymouth Armed Forces Weekend
• Mileage 94.95
• Accommodation (approximately) 280.00
Martin said that at this stage they had not booked any other events as both he and Dave Cross
have other commitments. They felt that there was no point travelling to areas which have no
RN or HMS Ganges connections. Normal costs for County Shows are extremely high, plus the
further they travel the greater the mileage costs and the need for accommodation.
Martin asked if members could please let him or Dave know if they could suggest a place for
them to visit which would promote the Ganges message and of course, encourage ex-Ganges
personnel to sign up.
Martin said, as he had mentioned before, both Suffolk and Weymouth have proved to be by far
the most successful venues, attracting large crowds. The mini-mast and the albums are very
popular as many visitors have past family connections. One lady was thrilled to find her
uncle’s photograph of when he was a Divisional Officer as she had no other photographs of
him. The team have also managed to press gang new members into the Association. As
always Martin said they appreciate help from Association members. The Suffolk Show and
Weymouth are always well supported, and he thanked them for their help.
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11. Reunion Secretary Report
Tony Willders, Reunion Secretary, thanked everyone for attending, and said we had 410
attendees this year. He also thanked IOW Tours for their invaluable assistance in organising
our Reunion.
Tony said he would also like to thank the wives of the Committee Members who were running
the Table Top and Win your Weekend Raffles. He said that members may not be aware that
the money raised from these raffles provide a valuable contribution to the weekend’s finances,
providing extras which are financed outside of the main association accounts.
Tony reminded everyone that the weekend programme of events was as per their Daily
Orders. Members visiting Portsmouth Dockyard would enjoy a reduced entry fee on production
of their HMS Ganges membership card. For those members remaining on site various
activities were available, provided by Mill Rythe, and Dave Poyser would be organising the
Uckers competition during Saturday afternoon. This year special Ganges Association boards
had been commissioned for the event.
Tony announced that Reunion and AGM 2019 will be taking place at Gunton Hall on 12-15th
April. In order to undertake the various Reunion activities during the weekend we need to
ensure that we have sole exclusivity of a site. Several venues have been considered, and as all
came in at a similar cost, Gunton Hall was selected. Unfortunately, as Warners have not
increased their price to us over the last five years, 2019 would see the cost of the weekend
rise to £255 per person. Tony said he hoped members would appreciate the reason for the
increase. IOW Tours will once again be handling the bookings and arrangements on our behalf
as this negates the risk entirely should we not meet the minimum number of guests required
to break even, and would not, therefore, impact association funds. IOW tours will accept
Direct Debits or part payments throughout to year to spread the cost of the Reunion.
12. Address by Chief Scrutineer, Basil Downing-Waite
Basil Downing-Waite said that he had only received two voting forms from members unable to
attend AGM.
Basil read out each proposal, and asked members to raise their hands, For or Against.
3. To elect Phil Turner to the Committee for the electoral period as of 2018
This was carried unanimously.
4. To make an addition to the current Rule 11(b):
Anyone submitting a proposal for voting at AGM must attend or be represented at AGM,
and all proposals must be supported by a Statement of Rationale, explaining the reason
This was carried unanimously.
13. Mylor
Shep said that HMSGA donated some money to assist with the restoration of the church at
Mylor as they have been very accommodating to the Association with regard to the Mylor
Memorial. He encouraged members when visiting the Memorial to also go inside the church
where they can see the results of the restoration work carried out.
14. ‘Perky’ Mellow Award (Smartest Standard Bearer)
The Chairman said that this year the award was not only for smartness, but also for due
diligence during the last 12 months, and therefore was awarded to our NSB Tony Cooke. He
asked Shep Woolley to present the Perky Mellow Award.
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15. Chairman’s Closing Remarks
The Chairman said that the Committee believed that we should recognise those members who
give a great deal of their time and commitment to the Association, and who are not always
members of the committee. This year the Committee chose two members who they thought
deserved a special thank you, recognised with a small gift that acknowledges our appreciation
of their services to the HMSGA. Gifts were presented to Dick Lloyd, and to Basil DowningWaite.
Colin said he was nominating Florrie Ford for the Bone of Contention this year, because he
failed to keep track of our gnome, ‘My Bessie Mate’, who was AWOL for three months during
his round the world trip.
The meeting closed at 11:25 and ‘Up Spirits’ was piped.
Cliff Snelling
Hon Sec

Revised HMSGA Constitution and Rules

Established 1982
Revision 2018-19 Page 1 of 4
Constitution and Rules of HMS Ganges Association

1. Name
The name shall be HMS GANGES ASSOCIATION (“the Association”).
2. Aims
The Aims of the Association (in no particular order) shall be to:-
Hold a reunion for all members of the Association annually, and to promote links and maintain
Comradeship between all Members and to keep the “Ganges Spirit” alive.
3. Reunion Venue
The Committee shall decide upon the venue for each Reunion after taking into account the views
of the membership generally, particularly those regularly attending Reunion. Notice will be
promulgated in the edition of the Gazette and on the Association’s website immediately following
a decision being made as to date and venue.
4. Membership
(a) The membership shall comprise the following:
(i) Full Members – Uniformed personnel of the Royal Navy, Royal Marines and Women’s
Royal Naval Service and their reserve organisations borne on the books of HMS GANGES,
including those who served in HMS St George and HMS Bruce. New Members shall also be
required to pay a one off Joining Fee.
(ii) Life Members – As from January 2012 all members excepting existing Life members will
be required to pay an annual subscription as set by AGM on the anniversary of the date the
member joined the Association. Members who have acquired Life membership prior to the
above date will retain the privilege of not being required to pay an annual subscription,
unless they wish to do so.
(iii) Associate Members – Shall be permitted within the HMS GANGES Association.
Associate members shall not be entitled to vote on any issues within the HMS GANGES
Association. New Associate Members shall also be required to pay a one off Joining Fee.
(iv) Honorary Members – Such civilian members of the staff of HMS GANGES or other
persons whose services to the Association, deserve such recognition at the discretion of the
Committee. Honorary members shall not be entitled to vote in the elections of the
(v) Subscriptions – Association Members are required to pay an annual subscription for the
year, from date of joining. To be determined from time to time by General Meeting.
(b) Certificates
Certificates of 50, 60, and 70 years having expired since their date of joining HMS GANGES may
be awarded to members who formally request the same and have been members of the
Association for a continuous period of 5 years.
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(c) Discipline
Any member considered to be guilty of conduct, which brings the name of the Association into
disrepute may, after enquiry by the Committee, be suspended from membership of the
Association. The matter shall then to be decided by Ballot of the Membership. Should any
Member have reason to have complaint against any fellow Member, a letter of such complaint is
to be forwarded to the Secretary for action.
(d) Termination of membership
(i) Resignation by a Member in writing to the Membership Secretary.
(ii) Any subscription remaining unpaid for a period in excess of 1 year.
(iii) Where the Committee passes a resolution of Suspension under Rule 4(c) and the
Membership so decides in favour of Termination of Membership.
5. Presidents and Vice-Presidents
The President and Vice-Presidents of the Association may be elected for life by the members at
the AGM. Nominees must conform to Rule 4(a)(i).
6. Management of the Association
The Association shall be managed by a Committee comprising of 4 Officers and 5 Members. The
Officers shall comprise of the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary.
(a) A vice-Chairman shall be nominated and appointed from within the Committee.
(b) A quorum shall consist of 5 Members of the Committee, one of whom must be an
(c) The Officers shall serve for a 3 year term commencing from the date of their election to
(d) The Committee Members shall serve for a term of two years commencing from the date
of their election.
(e) Officers and Members shall be eligible for re-election unless otherwise disqualified.
(f) Members of the Association, or such other persons as the Committee, may decide may
be co-opted onto the Committee for special purposes, but shall not have any right to vote,
unless specified otherwise at time of vote by a majority of the Committee.
(g) The Committee may appoint any Association Member to the Committee to fill a casual
vacancy as a Committee Member until the next AGM.
(h) Decisions at Committee meetings shall be taken by the vote of a simple majority. Every
full member of the Committee in attendance, excluding the Chair, shall have one vote. In the
event of equality of voting the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
(i) The venue for Committee meetings shall be held at locations as determined by
7. Duties of the Chairman of the Association
The Chairman shall Chair all meetings of the Association and Committee. He shall sign all
relevant documentation as and where necessary.
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8. Duties of the Secretary
The Secretary shall:
• Be responsible for the general administration of the Association.
• Record the minutes of the meetings of the Association Committee and General Meetings.
• Any complaint about any aspect of the management of the Association’s affairs shall be made,
in writing, to the Secretary.
9. Duties of the Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
• Be responsible for all funds of the Association, including the maintenance of Bank Accounts
authorised by the Committee, ensure, in conjunction with the Membership Secretary, that all
joining fees, subscriptions, and other payments due to the Association are deposited.
• Make payments as duly authorised by the Committee.
• Provide a full financial report, supported by Bank Statements at each Committee Meeting.
• Pay any amount liable to the Association up to £100.00 without Committee approval.
• Pay Travelling Expenses to Committee and any other member duly authorised where acting
on behalf of the Association at a mileage/rate agreed from time to time by the Committee.
• A minimum of 2 Association Members are to carry out a control check of the Treasurer’s books
before a full financial report is presented to Members at AGM for the immediately preceding
financial year ending 31st March.
10. The Duties of the Membership Secretary
The Membership Secretary shall:
• Report to the Committee with membership numbers and other related matters.
• Receive and bank annual subscriptions and joining fees providing full details to the Treasurer.
• Maintain a Master Database comprising full details of members, their service at HMS
GANGES and such other details necessary for the effective functioning of the Association.
11. Annual General Meeting “AGM”
(a) The AGM shall be held each year during the weekend of the Annual Reunion.
(b) Nominations or Proposals affecting these Rules or the management of the Association shall
be submitted to the Association Secretary no later than 31st December in any year. Anyone
submitting a proposal for voting at AGM must attend or be represented at AGM, and all
proposals must be supported by a Statement of Rationale, explaining the reason.
(c) A member shall be entitled to vote at any General Meeting provided that their name appears
on the Membership List maintained by the Membership Secretary on the immediately
preceding 31st January.
(d) The Treasurer shall present an audited financial report to the members at the AGM.
12. Voting Procedures
a) All proposals and nominations requiring a vote will be conducted at the AGM by those
members present by a show of hands.
b) Only Full and Life Members are entitled to vote.
c) Any member who is unable to attend an AGM can register to vote with the official scrutineer.
He or she will then be sent the relevant voting form by post or email. All returned forms must
include member’s name or membership number, and is the responsibility of the sender.
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d) Where a member has been proposed and seconded, but stands unopposed for a position as
an Officer or Member of the Committee, NO vote is required and the said member is
therefore elected.
13. Local Divisions
The formation of Local Divisions in any particular area to promote and encourage comradeship
will be welcomed and reports of the activities of Local Divisions to the Committee or the Editor of
the Gazette will also be welcomed.
Local Divisions shall not be authorised to act in the name of the Association without the consent
of the Committee having been previously obtained. The Association shall not be responsible for
any financial obligation of any Local Division or any project supported by it unless this prior
consent has been obtained.
14. Ganges “Gazette”
The Association shall provide funds for the publication of a magazine at such times as the
Committee and the Editor consider appropriate. The Editor shall be nominated by the Committee
and approved by the Members. He shall hold office until resignation or the Membership shall
otherwise decide.
15. Extraordinary General Meetings “EGM”
An EGM may be called:
(a) By the Committee.
(b) By written notice to the Association Secretary to that effect signed by no less than 5% of the
membership entitled to vote.
Upon receipt of a Notice under (b) above the Secretary shall, within 14 days, notify the
membership of the Association of the date, time and place of the EGM being not less than 21
days thereafter. An EGM to be called only to deal with matters of an urgent nature which requires
action prior to the next scheduled AGM.
16. HMS Ganges Association Museum
The HMS Ganges Association Museum is an independent registered Charity managed by its own
Trustees. The Chairman of Trustees or his nominee shall be invited to attend all Committee
meetings of the Association.
17. Dissolution of the Association
In the event of the passing of a resolution to wind-up the Association any funds remaining after
the payment of all outstanding liabilities shall be donated to a naval charity decided upon by the
members in General Meeting.

HMS GANGES Victorian Division Masthead No 233

Victoria Australia

Chairman: David Lines.   Secretary: Harry Harrison 54, Tamworth Road, Kilsyth, Victoria 3137

Telephone Harry 03-9728-3200



Chairman David Lines Opened the meeting and welcomed all. A warm welcome to Bill Agnew, Owen and Carmel Dingle


Apologies John and Maureen Hannant, Charles Jenkinson, Mary Stephens, Flo Livingston, Ada Barnard

CTB Ann Hillman informs us that Lizzie Evans wife of Geoff Evans Crossed The Bar. We have no details as there has been no communications with Lizzie or family of late.  Lizzie died in Townesville around July last year. Geoff and Lizzie were a popular couple at reunions and at divisional and RNA meetings. Vale Lizzie Evans.

Sick List.  Charles Jenkinson requires a hernia operation. John Hannant not feeling well. Our very best wishes to Charles and John

Treasurers Report.  Total monies in Bendigo Bank account $3,783.73.

Correspondence Bank Statement, Shotley Buzz 56.WA.Hoist. A letter and newspaper clippings from Jock Gardiner. Thanks Jock. All correspondence was tabled in hard copy.

UK Association. The reunion in the UK will be held next month. The present committee is standing for reelection with the exception of Shep Woolley. Phillip “Topsy’ Turner is standing for the vacancy.

The division wishes Shep all the best in his new ventures and BZ for a job well done. The Gazette has arrived and as always some very interesting articles. The division congratulates our chairman David Lines for the excellent article in the Gazette. BZ David

General Business:-

1) The Divisional Get Together: –  The first decision was do we hold a get together this year? The answer was in the affirmative.

2)  Where :- to hold the get together? There was discussion around the pros and cons of the various locations. The secretary moved that an elimination vote be held Carried

The locations Phillip Island, Lakes Entrance, Bright, Warrnambool, Mildura, Yarrawonga/ Mulwala, Moama  Cadell on the Murray.  Phillip Island attracted 3 vote 2; Warrnambool was awarded 2 votes. Lakes Entrance 2 votes awarded for John and Maureen Hannant as they live close by, Yarrawonga 0, Moama 7 votes. Phillip Island, Warrnabool, Bright, Yarrawonga, Mildura was considered too long drive, were all eliminated. It was considered that the excellent facilities at Cadell on the Murray and the fact it is the easiest drive from Melbourne, the meeting came to the decision that the get together will be at Cadell on the Murray at Moama.

Dates were discussed Chairman will contact Cadell and check availability from the Monday 8th. To Friday 12th of October. Stop press: – only dates available in this time frame are Monday 1st. -5th October. Chairman David has reserved 16 rooms with an option of extra rooms at the motel over the road. Anyone interested in attending please contact either Chairman David on or HarryH on this address ASAP. We have already had interest from members interstate and NZ. Thank you

2) Chairman David Thanked Rick Clark for the excellent job of photographer at the kick off meeting. Ricks will inform us of the web page address. BZ Rick

3) As the FNMC will be closed on the 25th April which is our normal meeting day the next meeting will be held on Wednesday 2nd May 2018 and the May meeting on Wednesday 30th May. Secretary will email and call those without computers nearer the date.

AOB Harry Kime Harry informed the meeting there will be no ANZAC day activities at the club this year due to the majority of members were planning to march in the city as it is the centennial of Galllipoli. He advised members who do not wish to go to the city join up with the Frankston RSL.

2) Mike Bennett The RNA lunch for UK saints day was well attended and enjoyed by all.  Next lunch is second week in April 8th.  This lunch will be a Pussers brunch with bacon and eggs, Lancashire black pudding, mushrooms, tinned tomatoes “annigoni’s”

The May meeting will as usual will be on the third Sunday of the month 21st of May due to Mothers Day on the 14th. The June birthday celebrations are well in hand.

Chairman Thanked Joan Kime for an excellent lunch and Harry Kime for tending the bar.

There being no further business Chairman declared the meeting closed.

The next meeting is at Seven Bells *(1130hrs) Wednesday 2nd May. 2018*. At FNMC

Regards – Harry Harrison

Thought for the month:  Albert Einstein warned of the danger that technology would preclude personal communication in regards to this on a notice board outside a café in Mooroolbark “No we do not have wi-fi, talk to each

HMS GANGES Association South Australian Division Newsletter

The Shotley Buzz No56

Friday, March 09, 2018


We held our first meeting for 2018 yesterday, having stood down for 3 months in the hot weather, so what did mother nature do for us turned this week hot also, so I sent out a prior message to members to come in their short sleeved Ganges shirts leaving blazers and ties at home. We opened the meeting welcoming everyone, reading Charlie’s Prayer and observing a minutes silence for absent shipmates. We made a special welcome to Sid Groom and Elizabeth who had travelled from Murray Bridge, it was good seeing Sid looking good and talking so well following his severe stroke some time back.


It was International Women’s Day and as usual our ladies played a very important role in our gathering, amongst the ladies present was Val Freeman who organises the WRNS in SA and our treasurer Margaret Burgess, on reflection over the years at national reunions many a mention has been made by overseas visitors what impact the ladies have in Ganges Australia.


Apologies were received from Alan Ford at Renmark, Dave Diss, Jess Owen from the York Peninsular who sent greeting to members, Steve and Jan Plumb also  sent greetings to members they are moving to live in Malaysia for a couple or so years we wish them well in their new adventure, but will keep them on our list. Peter Thomas who is 98 YO 1st April was really looking forward to attending but he had an horrific fall earlier in the week and is great pain with a badly torn shoulder muscle, we wish him a speedy recovery. Tom Marling had to call off at the last minute his house is in chaos having the place tiled all the way through.


Margaret Burgess read the treasurers’ report.


Bob Chumley gave the welfare officers report he is undertaking a special task for a members shortly.


I must not forget to mention our special guest “The Ganges Round The World Gnome” he sat at the head table and everyone present signed his passport, in the next few days he will be sent to the Queensland Division.


There was a general concern amongst all members that we seem to have lost contact with member Bob Lipscomb, Bob is considered a valued  member by all, in spite of being very ill Bob has contributed much towards our branch particularly designing tables for members with a Ganges/ nautical design. Quite a number of members have tried to contact Bob with no luck, we all hope he surfaces soon.


Raymond and Mary Brewer recently visited Tasmania where Raymond was a member of the Police Golf Team playing golf against the other police State teams, Raymond won his game and the South Australian team won the competition.


During the meeting we had a chat about the recent newsletters from the Vic and WA branches pointing out the special mention of the article from Victoria about Jean Rees and in the Hoist from WA the wonderful photograph of the Vanguard and the article about the scale model of the Ganges mast.


We had a general discussion about future meetings it was difficult for me to plan a program for the year due to my ongoing treatment so at this stage we decided to plan from meeting to meeting, knowing we are very lucky with the venue where we meet it is almost like our own private clubroom. I will let members know soon when the next meeting will take place.


Raymond Brewer gave a number of naval badges to any member who would like one; Val Freeman readily accepted a WRN”S badge.



Business over we settled down to lunch and socialising, everyone seemed to be having a very good time enjoying each other’s company. Charlie Stanbridge accepted a few comments in good spirit about his newly acquired moustache, which suits him very well.


We closed the meeting at 1330


Yours aye

Derek Ernst




Group Photo 8th March 2018 Special Guest Ganges Gnome