Revised HMSGA Constitution and Rules

Established 1982
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Constitution and Rules of HMS Ganges Association

1. Name
The name shall be HMS GANGES ASSOCIATION (“the Association”).
2. Aims
The Aims of the Association (in no particular order) shall be to:-
Hold a reunion for all members of the Association annually, and to promote links and maintain
Comradeship between all Members and to keep the “Ganges Spirit” alive.
3. Reunion Venue
The Committee shall decide upon the venue for each Reunion after taking into account the views
of the membership generally, particularly those regularly attending Reunion. Notice will be
promulgated in the edition of the Gazette and on the Association’s website immediately following
a decision being made as to date and venue.
4. Membership
(a) The membership shall comprise the following:
(i) Full Members – Uniformed personnel of the Royal Navy, Royal Marines and Women’s
Royal Naval Service and their reserve organisations borne on the books of HMS GANGES,
including those who served in HMS St George and HMS Bruce. New Members shall also be
required to pay a one off Joining Fee.
(ii) Life Members – As from January 2012 all members excepting existing Life members will
be required to pay an annual subscription as set by AGM on the anniversary of the date the
member joined the Association. Members who have acquired Life membership prior to the
above date will retain the privilege of not being required to pay an annual subscription,
unless they wish to do so.
(iii) Associate Members – Shall be permitted within the HMS GANGES Association.
Associate members shall not be entitled to vote on any issues within the HMS GANGES
Association. New Associate Members shall also be required to pay a one off Joining Fee.
(iv) Honorary Members – Such civilian members of the staff of HMS GANGES or other
persons whose services to the Association, deserve such recognition at the discretion of the
Committee. Honorary members shall not be entitled to vote in the elections of the
(v) Subscriptions – Association Members are required to pay an annual subscription for the
year, from date of joining. To be determined from time to time by General Meeting.
(b) Certificates
Certificates of 50, 60, and 70 years having expired since their date of joining HMS GANGES may
be awarded to members who formally request the same and have been members of the
Association for a continuous period of 5 years.
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(c) Discipline
Any member considered to be guilty of conduct, which brings the name of the Association into
disrepute may, after enquiry by the Committee, be suspended from membership of the
Association. The matter shall then to be decided by Ballot of the Membership. Should any
Member have reason to have complaint against any fellow Member, a letter of such complaint is
to be forwarded to the Secretary for action.
(d) Termination of membership
(i) Resignation by a Member in writing to the Membership Secretary.
(ii) Any subscription remaining unpaid for a period in excess of 1 year.
(iii) Where the Committee passes a resolution of Suspension under Rule 4(c) and the
Membership so decides in favour of Termination of Membership.
5. Presidents and Vice-Presidents
The President and Vice-Presidents of the Association may be elected for life by the members at
the AGM. Nominees must conform to Rule 4(a)(i).
6. Management of the Association
The Association shall be managed by a Committee comprising of 4 Officers and 5 Members. The
Officers shall comprise of the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary.
(a) A vice-Chairman shall be nominated and appointed from within the Committee.
(b) A quorum shall consist of 5 Members of the Committee, one of whom must be an
(c) The Officers shall serve for a 3 year term commencing from the date of their election to
(d) The Committee Members shall serve for a term of two years commencing from the date
of their election.
(e) Officers and Members shall be eligible for re-election unless otherwise disqualified.
(f) Members of the Association, or such other persons as the Committee, may decide may
be co-opted onto the Committee for special purposes, but shall not have any right to vote,
unless specified otherwise at time of vote by a majority of the Committee.
(g) The Committee may appoint any Association Member to the Committee to fill a casual
vacancy as a Committee Member until the next AGM.
(h) Decisions at Committee meetings shall be taken by the vote of a simple majority. Every
full member of the Committee in attendance, excluding the Chair, shall have one vote. In the
event of equality of voting the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
(i) The venue for Committee meetings shall be held at locations as determined by
7. Duties of the Chairman of the Association
The Chairman shall Chair all meetings of the Association and Committee. He shall sign all
relevant documentation as and where necessary.
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8. Duties of the Secretary
The Secretary shall:
• Be responsible for the general administration of the Association.
• Record the minutes of the meetings of the Association Committee and General Meetings.
• Any complaint about any aspect of the management of the Association’s affairs shall be made,
in writing, to the Secretary.
9. Duties of the Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
• Be responsible for all funds of the Association, including the maintenance of Bank Accounts
authorised by the Committee, ensure, in conjunction with the Membership Secretary, that all
joining fees, subscriptions, and other payments due to the Association are deposited.
• Make payments as duly authorised by the Committee.
• Provide a full financial report, supported by Bank Statements at each Committee Meeting.
• Pay any amount liable to the Association up to £100.00 without Committee approval.
• Pay Travelling Expenses to Committee and any other member duly authorised where acting
on behalf of the Association at a mileage/rate agreed from time to time by the Committee.
• A minimum of 2 Association Members are to carry out a control check of the Treasurer’s books
before a full financial report is presented to Members at AGM for the immediately preceding
financial year ending 31st March.
10. The Duties of the Membership Secretary
The Membership Secretary shall:
• Report to the Committee with membership numbers and other related matters.
• Receive and bank annual subscriptions and joining fees providing full details to the Treasurer.
• Maintain a Master Database comprising full details of members, their service at HMS
GANGES and such other details necessary for the effective functioning of the Association.
11. Annual General Meeting “AGM”
(a) The AGM shall be held each year during the weekend of the Annual Reunion.
(b) Nominations or Proposals affecting these Rules or the management of the Association shall
be submitted to the Association Secretary no later than 31st December in any year. Anyone
submitting a proposal for voting at AGM must attend or be represented at AGM, and all
proposals must be supported by a Statement of Rationale, explaining the reason.
(c) A member shall be entitled to vote at any General Meeting provided that their name appears
on the Membership List maintained by the Membership Secretary on the immediately
preceding 31st January.
(d) The Treasurer shall present an audited financial report to the members at the AGM.
12. Voting Procedures
a) All proposals and nominations requiring a vote will be conducted at the AGM by those
members present by a show of hands.
b) Only Full and Life Members are entitled to vote.
c) Any member who is unable to attend an AGM can register to vote with the official scrutineer.
He or she will then be sent the relevant voting form by post or email. All returned forms must
include member’s name or membership number, and is the responsibility of the sender.
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d) Where a member has been proposed and seconded, but stands unopposed for a position as
an Officer or Member of the Committee, NO vote is required and the said member is
therefore elected.
13. Local Divisions
The formation of Local Divisions in any particular area to promote and encourage comradeship
will be welcomed and reports of the activities of Local Divisions to the Committee or the Editor of
the Gazette will also be welcomed.
Local Divisions shall not be authorised to act in the name of the Association without the consent
of the Committee having been previously obtained. The Association shall not be responsible for
any financial obligation of any Local Division or any project supported by it unless this prior
consent has been obtained.
14. Ganges “Gazette”
The Association shall provide funds for the publication of a magazine at such times as the
Committee and the Editor consider appropriate. The Editor shall be nominated by the Committee
and approved by the Members. He shall hold office until resignation or the Membership shall
otherwise decide.
15. Extraordinary General Meetings “EGM”
An EGM may be called:
(a) By the Committee.
(b) By written notice to the Association Secretary to that effect signed by no less than 5% of the
membership entitled to vote.
Upon receipt of a Notice under (b) above the Secretary shall, within 14 days, notify the
membership of the Association of the date, time and place of the EGM being not less than 21
days thereafter. An EGM to be called only to deal with matters of an urgent nature which requires
action prior to the next scheduled AGM.
16. HMS Ganges Association Museum
The HMS Ganges Association Museum is an independent registered Charity managed by its own
Trustees. The Chairman of Trustees or his nominee shall be invited to attend all Committee
meetings of the Association.
17. Dissolution of the Association
In the event of the passing of a resolution to wind-up the Association any funds remaining after
the payment of all outstanding liabilities shall be donated to a naval charity decided upon by the
members in General Meeting.

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